Tag Archive: Autism

Day two

All over again. I have missed a few days and need to get back into the swing of posting again. Fortunately, its only a few days and so I can make them up.

For yesterday’s post, I was supposed to add a personal comment at the bottom. I kept putting it off because I have no personal experience with anyone with autism, I have friends with children with autism, on Twitter.

So there you have it, something else twitter has done for us. It makes it possible for us to connect with people we may have not met before, allows single mothers to connect with other single mothers in similar situations without having to get a babysitter.

The internet can be a source for good. You just have to be careful.

Awareness is not enough.

We (The Autism Community) need for you to know what Autism is.
We can only achieve that through Autism Understanding and Acceptance.

Awareness of autism has risen dramatically in the past few years, and awareness is certainly a good place to start. Increased awareness has helped parents get earlier diagnoses for their children, and it has helped secure funding for research. However, it hasn’t done much to change public perception of what autism really is.

This is a call out to the world to understand the people and the disorder.
This is a call out to the world to accept the people and the disorder.

You can not understand or accept the people until you understand and accept the Autism they have.

Autism is a part of who they are.

The media has focused almost entirely on children with autism – but children grow up. In a society where one in 110 children is diagnosed with autism (the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control), no one can afford to ignore the significance of this disability. People with autism are children, teenagers, adults, men, women, scientists, programmers, engineers, unemployed, in care homes … too many of them continue to be bullied, to be judged, or to just be ignored.

Each person is unique. Each person has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses just like you or I.

The charities, the organizations, the groups, the parents, the people with Autism themselves… we ask you… no, we need you to know what Autism really is.

Today, we ask for your Autism Understanding and Acceptance.

This is what Autism is to me… <fill in the rest with your experience>